Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Swimming with the Fishies

Yesterday was a very big day for my little girl. Yesterday she got rid of her sooky (soother). She'll be 3 years old in just a few weeks and she wakes up for it alot in the night. So, it was time for Jillie and sooky to part company. We tried to get rid of it on Sunday. I told her if she could go without her sooky all day and all night that I would take her to Toys R Us and buy her whatever she wanted. She tried really hard but couldn't do it.
I spoke to her teacher, Debby, at daycare yesterday and told her that we were trying to get rid of sooky. She told Jillian a story of a little girl in Ontario, where Debby used to live, who gave her sooky to the Easter Bunny to give to the new babies at the hospital. She also told Jillie that she would bring her licorice today if she could sleep without her sooky last night.
I had the idea of throwing the sooky off the walking bridge. I pitched the idea Jillian and she thought it was a great idea. She decided the baby fishies needed her sooky more than she did.
After supper, we got sooky and drove to the walking bridge. With camera in hand, we walked out to the middle of the bridge and posed for a few last pics with sookie. Then we called the baby fishies and told them we had a new sooky for them. Then she did it, she threw her sooky right off the bridge. She was so brave. I was so proud of her but at the same time a bit sad. She is growing up so fast. She speaks like a big girl, walks like a big girl, has a big girl bed, we shop in the big girl section at the store etc. Her sooky was one of the last "baby" things she had.
Fast forward to bed time. Again, she was brave and she didn't ask for her sooky even once. Having said that, it was 9:23 pm before she finally fell asleep. She normally goes to bed a 7:30 so this was a long, drawn out affair. I, admittedly, went easy on her last night in regards to bed time. Giving up your sooky is hard and a big deal.
She whined and groaned quite a bit in the night. I went in once and covered her up. But other than that I left her. She wasn't really awake just kinda groaning and moaning in her sleep. Between 4-5 am is a crucial time of day for us. If she wakes up during that period of time, I sprint to her bed to jam the sooky in the mouth. If she wakes up too much she'll be up for the day. I knew she'd be up this morning and I'd have nothing to save me from an early, early morning. She was up for the day at 4:45 am. Needless to say, I'm in somewhat of a catatonic, zombie-like state sitting at my desk. But boy, am I proud of my brave little girl.
We have soccer tonight at 5:45 so we have to post-pone our sooky celebration until after soccer. But being the crazy Mommy that I am, it'll be a blow out celebration tonight. She deserves it.


Anonymous said...

YAY JJ!!! I can't believe you actually went through with it! Only you'd think to make it a kodak moment, hee, hee! It's a huge step, she's growing so fast :(


Queen Mel said...

What a big girl you have there. I can't say a word, me who is always looking to different: (1) Had a "pooping party" for "B" when she pooped for the first time in the big potty. (2) "Made" my best friend have another baby so "B" would have a newborn to pass her sooky down to and made her wrap it herself, hows that for photo ops?

Dee said...

That will be a cool story that Jillian can tell her kids some day and the wonderful Mommy that you are, she will even have a scrapbook page or two that she can share with them.

I agree that they grow so fast. I can't believe that my baby is 4 and a half already! Yikes - were did the time go?

NickyT said...

OMG - that is so awesome! How did she do last night? The story sounds very familar - Tori threw hers out the car window to the baby birdies. I wish I was a scrapper back then!!!

b.c. Gurl said...

too cute :) That's a great way to get rid of a sooky!!! Hope things went well last night and that the party rocked :)