Friday, August 04, 2006

I Love Cake

Seriously, I really do. My favourite? White with white icing from the Superstore. I don't like to share it. I could really eat ridiculous amounts of it. I once asked Eric how much he thought I could eat before I was just too full to eat anymore. We couldn't answer the question because we both knew there wasn't nearly enough cake in the house to try. One of my friends recently told me a Superstore Cake lasts only 3 days in her house. HA! Three days and that cake it just a far away memory.
I'm not usually a big fan of icing but when it comes to my lucious superstore cake I ration it. I eat my cake in a certain fashion depending on whether its a side piece or a centre piece.
You know what else I love? Donuts from Tim's. I have yet to meet a donut I don't like. In fact, I don't even have a favourite...any kind with do. I'm currently eating a 20 pack of assorted timbits. I did get an extra box and packed away a few to take home to JJ.
I always like to try the donut of the month. July's donut is banana chocolate cake. YUM! It's basically banana cake batter deepfried with chocolate icing. But my favourite donut of the month, by far, is the candidate for October. Pumpkin Spice. My love affair with this donut started October 1, 2005. I ate one every day that month. At the end of the month when I knew it would be gone from my life, I ate 2 almost every day. I seriously thought of buying a few boxes and freezing them so I could have a fix when I needed it. But I decided not to kid myself. Those donuts wouldn't have seen the end of the day. When I wasn't cramming them in my face I'd be yelling at them "Get in my belly!" I'm afraid to think of what could have happened if someone had attempted to eat one of my tasty little lovelies. It probably would have been like something from the movie "The Exorcist". You know, my voice all deep and grovelly, my head spinning around.
But in the end I dindn't get them so it wasn't an issue. Besides one who avoids exercise like I do, shouldn't make donuts that large a part of their regular diet.

1 comment:

Queen Mel said...

LMAO - too funny!

I can't wait to see JJ in 10 years and she what she acts like. Birthdays in your household will be dangerous.