Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You Know Your Pants Are Too Tight....

...when your thong gives you visible panty lines. Seriously. I was witness to this at lunch time at Chapters. I really had no idea you could have panty lines while wearing a thong. Oh wait, my little buddies, just incase you're confused, a thong is also what you lovingly call Floss. Back to the topic, I thought the point of thong underwear was to avoid panty lines. Can it be comfortable to wear pants to tight that underwear designed specifically to not show lines now does? Can the woman breath?!? OMG, maybe I should have stayed to check her breathing. I didn't even look at her face. I couldn't get past the panty lines. What if she was turning blue from lack of oxygen. I mean, c'mon, with pants that tight she could really be in respiratory distress.
Now, I think we all know that I am certainly no fashionista. I consider it a fashion success if I get out of the house with only one or two stains on my clothing. And let's be perfectly honest here, even if I do get out looking relatively put together I still manage to do something stupid to make myself look dumb. Please refer to the skirt flying up in front of the Deputy Minister.
I must admit that I've gained a bit of weight recently. While I'm not unhappy with my weight, my pants are a bit more snug that usually. I'm thinking that butterscotch dip ice cream and triple cheese hot dog I had for lunch (in that order) are not going to help the situation. But please, for the love of all things good my friends, please, please tell me if my pants are so tight that I have thong panty lines or worse yet, G-string panty lines cause then you KNOW you're in trouble.


Queen Mel said...

Well look at this way, if you outgrow your floss you will always have clean teeth (LMAO)

I "crack" me up!!!!!

NickyT said...

Some people just have no fashion sense eh! If your floss shows believe me I would tell you - don't worry about that! Now if your skirt blows over your head while I'm with you I might act like I don't know you though LOL.