Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wheredya Get Them There Qualifications?!

Yesterday on the way to work, driving down Brunswick St, I was treated to a display fetuses aborted at various states of gestation. Lovely. There was a group of people holding massive posters from the corner of Carleton/Brunswick up just past the Morgentaler Clinic. The images were very graphic (bloody/dismembered) and I was relieved Jillian was not in the car with me. Apparently this group was doing the same type of protest on Proepect St on Monday.
Yesterday's newspaper featured an article about the protest. The reporter interviewed some parents who were outraged that their children were exposed to the images. There was really no way to avoid seeing them once you were on Brunswick St - it's a one way street with nowhere to turn during rush hour traffic. The reporter also interviewed one of the organizers of the protest. In response to the outrage voiced by parents, this organizer stated that she had done a study on how young children are affected by seeing these images. She stated that young children are NOT negatively impacted by seeing them.
I have some issues with this. First, my daugher knows what blood is, she knows what a baby is...I'm pretty sure she would put the two together and recognize it as a scary image. She is 3 years old but not stupid.
Second, what the hell kind of study is that?!?! There was no *Dr.* before her name and there was no *Ph.D* after it. If you know anythign about scientific studies, you know that in order to do a study, especially one involving humans or animials, you have to present your proposed study before an ethics committee. This is to ensure no harm or negative impact will come to the participants. What f***ing ethics committee would agree to a study showing young children pictures of bloody, dismembered fetuses?!?! Any ethics panel who didn't see some serious problems with that should be disbanded.
If the woman didn't go before an ethics committee than the study is not valid. In addition to that, she should be reported to police for abusing young children by forcing them to look at horrific images.
Next, what is up with parents who would allow their children to pariticipate in such a horrific study? They should be reported to child protection. F***, what do they have to play with in their backyards? A pit of snakes and rusty nails?
This woman's alleged study was to determine if seeing the images caused psychological damage to these children. Damn, what if these images *HAD* caused damage to the kids? What then? They're scarred for life but, oh well, sometimes side-affects suck? Whatever.
In case you hadn't guessed by now, I call BULLSHIT on her supposed study of these horrific images on children. She is a moron.

I have always refused to discuss the topic of abortion with anyone at all and I'm not about to start now. This post is NOT about the issue of aborition or my opinions on the topic. Feel free to post your opinions on the study, I welcome them. But any comments related to abortion will be deleted immediately.

I'm getting off my high horse now.


Queen Mel said...

I am in total agreement of what Princess Spy said.....

You said it gurl!

1. I'm glad my daughter was at home yesterday with grammy
2. I sure hope the daycare children weren't exposed to it (in any daycare)
3. It isn't a topic I want to discuss at this point in her life so don't force me to
4. I wonder how much money they paid the parents in order to put their kids through that, what types of parents did they target?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Kimmartha said...

Another interesting point in the paper - one of the protestors holding a sign would not give her name! If I feel strongly enough to protest about ANYTHING, I am going to say who I am and why I am protesting.


NickyT said...

2 Words - "HEAR, HEAR" I agreed with everything you said!

Kim, brought up an interesting point too.


The Original Princess said...

Excellent point, Kim. I have to say this issue kinda got me riled up. Odd, since it only really got me pissed the day after. It stuck me as I was driving...that's where I do my really good thinking.

Anonymous said...

Even if the pictures don't affect children (NOT!), it's still going force the topic up and who in their right mind would even think of discussing those things with toddlers/young kids? How can you even talk about it in a way that they'd even remotely understand? It all just makes me mad. Good day to ya!