Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm Baaaaack....

I'm officially back from vacation. Well, sort of. I'm soooo tired that I've decided to take tomorrow as another vacation day. That's right, I'm staying home tomorrow.
We forgot to take Jillian's bed rail with us to the cottage. She fell out of bed twice the first night. So she and I slept together after that. Cripes, that child is a bed hog and she kicks too. I got precious little sleep this week. Add hot weather and 2 or 3 trips (walking) to the beach each day and I'm wiped. I'm just trying to keep myself awake until 9pm for Big Brother.
Our vacation was great. We got up in the morning, had coffee and a leisurely breakfast and then headed to the beach around 9 am. We'd stay until 11 am and go back to the cottage for lunch and a nap for Jillie and Eric. I'd read a book while they slept. When they got up we'd go back to the beach from 2-4:30 then home for supper. In the evenings we'd take the dog to the beach or we'd go for ice cream or go to Moncton shopping. It was awesome. Next year we think we'll spend 2 weeks.
I've decided that I'm not biologically able to tan. We spent every day, except Thrusday, at the beach and I'm still friggin' pasty white. Eric and I used the exact same sunscreen and spent the same amount of time at the beach. In fact, I spent more time in the sun because I read on the deck while they slept. He is a lovely golden brown and I'm pasty white with a few red blotches, dammit. It's a familial anomoly I tell you! My parents tan very well. I was looking at my dad on the beach the other day and the man doesn't look caucasian. He is sooooo tanned. My mom tans nicely. My sister and I are white, white, white. I keep trying to tan but I really just turn red and then white again. Tanning beds don't even work. I'm not sure if my sister is unable to tan or if she just stays out of the sun.
Our trip was pretty uneventful. We went to the beach for a few hours before we can home today. Jillian was sitting on her beach chair and then she farts. She says "Mommy, I have to pee." I reply "Do you have to pee or poop?" She says "I have to pee." I tell her to go sit in the water and pee and she so she runs off to do just that. Eric and I watch her squat in the water and I ask him if the bum of her bathing suit looks full. We debate this for only a short time when Jillian starts toward us yelling "Mommy, my bathing suit has stinky poop in it!" Oye. Luckily there was only one other small family on the beach with us. I get to her as fast as I can and tell her to speak quietly and I'll take care of it. As we walk away from the people and towards the water she continues to loudly complaint that the poop is stinky. Eric gets to us just as I take off her bathing suit and a huge mound of poo falls into the Atlantic. Eric and I crack right up as it sinks the bottom and we instanly start making jokes about the tide and such. My laughter quickly came to a screeching halt when I realized I had nothing but my hand to clean her bum with. Oh well, what can you do? Hee hee hee...shit happens.

I'll be thinking of you all when I'm home alone tomorrow.


NickyT said...

Welcome home Sarah!

LOL - I heard him say that! So I must be cool too!

Anonymous said...

While you were MIA, I was forced to surf other blogs and came across some pretty interesting (read: gross) ones!
I'm glad you're back and that you had a great week :)

NickyT said...

Are you on still on blog vacation (wink, wink)