Thursday, July 06, 2006

Be Prepared

Isn't that the motto from Brownies or Girls Guides or something? I've somewhat adoped it for myself both literally and figuratively. I like to be mentally and physically prepared going into certain situation. I've found I've had to put this into practice quite a bit over the past few weeks. I'll let you in on a litte secret...shhh...just between you and me. I'm freakishly afraid of tornadoes. I've never seen one in real life, so my mother says but I beg to differ.
A few years ago, Eric, my mom, my dad, and I were going to my aunt and uncle's house for a party. Just as we got to the Irving on the Woodstock Rd, this crazy storm whips up. Trees were falling all over the place - BIG trees, signs were flying across the road, rain was coming down in sheets, full bottles of windshield washer were flying through the air. We pulled over into the Irving and I can't remember why but Eric and my dad went into the store. My mom and I waited for a minute and they decided to go in. Just then, the storm kicks it up another notch. There was debris everywhere and the car was shaking! My mom told me to stay put and I was freaking out. I heard somewhere that a tornado sounds like a freight train. So I kept asking my mom "Do you hear a train??" "Did you hear that? I sounded like a freight train!"
Anyway, the storm finally passed and we turned around to go check on our houses and pets. There were trees on houses and cars on the Woodstock Rd, huge trees uprooted in Wilmot Park, tons of powerlines down everywhere. We get over to the Northside, God's Country, and nothing is a miss. Our hanging baskets were just where we left them...there was absolutely no sign of a storm at all. My mother says I'm crazy but I'm totally convinced it was a tornado. Just because I didn't see a funnel cloud doesn't mean anything.
Now, here is where my motto comes into play. Ever since then, I put my *Tornado Prepardness Strategy* into action whenever severe thunder storms are forecasted. You know the ones that cause a red screen on the weather channel. You know the blurb "Severe thunder storm warnings have been issued for Fredericton...blah,blah, blah...Please note severe thunder storms and high winds can produce tornadoes. Please stay tuned to for updates".
As soon as I see that I spring into action. First, I put my shoes on because I don't want to be running around in my barefeet through broken glass. Then I open the windows a crack because tornadoes cause issues with pressure inside the house and cause windows to break. Next, I get the flash light and put my keys in my pocket. I make sure I have a blanket ready incase I need to grab Jillian. Oh, I also put on a bra if I'm in my pyjamas.
Once I make all these preparations, I watch the sky. I read somewhere that if they sky has a greenish tinge it's a good indication of prime tornado conditions. I also listen for the freight train. If the worst happens and their is a tornado, I'll grab Jillian and head to the basement. You need to get yourself into a corner of the foundation and cover yourself with a mattress. It would be best to be away from all windows but that's not an option in my house. Eric's job is to get the flashlight and the dog. I should come up with some sort of plan to strap Jillian to me incase the wind rips her from my arms. Oh well, that's a task for another day. That one will take some careful planning for the sake of safety.

I can hear the laughter as I type this. But, ha ha, I'll be the one with the last laugh after the tornado hits because I was prepared.


Anonymous said...

OK - I just wrote a big message and it didn't post! Here's the shortened recurring dream as a child was a tornado that I was desperately trying to outrun in the forest - I believe in having a plan for JJ!
Happy thoughts :)

Queen Mel said...

Buy bigger pants - stuff JJ into the waist of your pants, get suspenders, strap her arms inside under your armpits and lay ontop of her (somewhat) under the mattress, when the mattress flies off of you she'll only go as far the elastic in the suspenders will allow.

It makes perfect sense to me?