Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple...that's what I looked like right now. I'm fighting the urge to sing Good Ship Lollypop. I might give in to the urge just for the hell of it.
I had my haircut at lunch time. Instead of straightening it, the stylist let it go naturally curly. It's amazing what a difference a little bit of effort will make...my hair is soooo curly right now. All she did was put some Icelandic Sap Moss (you know, THE moss) and used a diffuser to dry it. But my bangs are straight and it's all a bit weird looking. Don't worry, I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow.
I have alot of grey hair. In fact, I'll think I'll be be completely grey in the next 5 years. It runs in my family. I've noticed lately that my hair is really dry and while I was getting my head massaged, I could hear my hair crunching. I mentioned it to the stylist. She said my hair is very coarse because of the grey (I have a comparison but I'll save you the horror) and it will get worse as I get older. I decide to ask her for some product that will help my hair. I get my hair done at Avalon Spa and their products are very expensive so I was dreading the total at the end. I currently use drug store products on my hair...horror of all horrors. Shield your eyes and look away - I'm an unsophisticated beast!
Anyway, when I'm done she gets me some professional shampoo and conditioner and sends me on my way. I have a plan. I'm going to use drug store products one day and professional products the next. Phase 2 of the plan is to color my hair at home and then have it done at the salon every second time (does that make sense?).
Now, I just have to figure out how to keep Mr. Princess from using my made-of-gold-more-precious-than-life-itself-oh-so-wonderful professional shampoo and conditioner. After using said products my hair had better bounce and men had better flock to me just like they do on TV, dammit.


Queen Mel said...

Are you sure she didn't sell you Herbal Essence then? Men flock to those women (on the commercials)

Oh and Garnier too, don't forget those women.

So are we on for you singing on Dec 24th solo at our church, I signed you up for "oh holy night"?

NickyT said...

LOL Mel that is hilarous!!!

I thought we were going Carolling. We can sing backup while Princess does the solo parts. You know the harmonizing part of the group LOL.

Oh, I might have to attend Church in Zealand this Christmas Eve if Princess is singing!

Queen Mel said...

I don't live in Zealand....