Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I haven't posted an annoyance for awhile so here is one today. A few of my co-workers feel the need to comment on everything (which is alot) that I put in my mouth. That bugs the crap out of me on it's own. But then they like to amp it up just a bit more. Next they walk over and stick their nose in whatever I'm eating and smell it. It drives me crazy. Yuck! If I wanted your germy germs all over my food, I'd just ask you to sneeze on it. It would save us the conversation and then I could just get on with my business.
I'm admittedly a bit, just a tad, okay maybe a whole lot of a germ-o-phobe. BUT I typcially share food etc. I'll give my friends a bite or a sip of anything. I just ask that you please don't stick your nose in it and breath all over it.
Next time someone does that I should push their face into it. It would serve two purposes - 1) I think they'd get the message loud and clear 2) It would be funny as hell.


Queen Mel said...

that is just yucky. I have an aunt who feels the need to smell EVERYTHING, no matter where we are, she smells butter, well you've smelt it before, good lord, move on...

LadyLipgloss said...

I feel the need to smell everything but I would never stick my nose in someone elses food. That's disgusting and really rude. Some people are so stupid and inconsiderate.

As far as commenting as what you eat, it's your decision what kind of food you eat. Healthy or otherwise. However, I do not want to hear that I'm possibly eating beaks and eyeballs when I'm chowing down on mechanically-separated chicken nuggets or about the coagulated blood balls in my bologna. (shaking fists angrily at Jon...)

Amy O said...

is all I have to say.