Thursday, January 18, 2007

Choose an Identity

If you are already logged into blogger and you want to leave a comment on a post, it asks you to choose an identity. This makes me chuckle every time I read it. I know, I doesn't take much to make me laugh.
I saw it again last night and I thought "Hmmm...which identity would I be today if I could choose?" I guess it all depends on the day. Today, I choose the identity of Social Super Woman. As Social Super Woman, I will save the world from a socio-economic stand point. I may only do it one person/family at a time but that is my goal.
This is going to sound a bit hoakie and cheesy but when someone really captures a spot in my heart, that spot belongs to them for life. I will pull out every trick, contact, idea, or resource I can possibly think of. Time makes no difference for me in these matters. I would like to help as fast as I can but I won't wear down easily. I can let things quiet down for a few months but when I see an opening and an opportunity to help again I'm like a rabid dog trying to to what I can. You can't get rid of me once I decide that I care.
Obviously something has sparked this in me again and I can't stop thinking about it. It consumes me and I just can't do enough. Just when I think I've exhausted all avenues, I come up with something else. Just for the record, this is not a work related, it's a personal relationship. I know a few of you out there know about this and I'd appreciate it if you maintained the confidentiality of this person.


Queen Mel said...

My identity today: "slacker"

NickyT said...

We tease you call you our Princess; treat you like royality. But, I for one know if I'm perplexed, pondering something, who do I call - Princess :) Geesh, was going to type something else; deleted cause I was getting all mushy! Must of been that Greys Anatomy making me this way!

"The real" MarthaSue said...

That person / those ppl are very lucky have a friend like you - we all need one!!