Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas To Me

Oye. Giving is more important that receiving, right? RIGHT?!?!?!


Sunny said...

What in God Creation is that thing on your head!!!!!???????
See you in the New Year and hope your Christmas was great.
My daughter got a GREAT Princess of Everything housecoat for Christmas and I thought of you.

Sunny said...

Oh and I am heating up one of your Dad's meat pies right now. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

"The real" MarthaSue said...

What the heck?!

awareness said...

Was that in your stocking Ms. Princess?

I've had mucho company and have served mucho food and wine......will make a killing at the redemption centre. (great name)

Merry Christmas Loralei. You look beautiful in reddish hairish.

Queen Mel said...

What road kill is that on your head? Dare I ask if MIL had that treat wrapped up for you, I'm sure the minute she saw it she thought of you......

Where U from anyway? Even I wouldn't wear that....

The Original Princess said...

My mother bought that for me. She and my aunt saw it and immediately thought of me. Good god, I'm writting ABC for an extreme make-over today. If that is what makes my family think of me then I'm in need of some serious help. I'm going to wear the hat but only out in public with my mother and aunt. AND I'm going to tell people they beat me if I don't wear the hat.

NickyT said...

First thought when I saw this picture:

WTF is on her head! GOOD LORD!

Hey is that the Pink Beer Tub your leaning up against? It must be to getcha to wear that thing!

Merry Christmas!

"The real" MarthaSue said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm....well, I was always told if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. But I just can't restrain myself!!!!!!! Holy crap! Next you'll be breaking out the plaid coat and snowshoes, eh?!

Mad&Soapy said...

LOL!! It has taken me a day and a half to stop laughing enough to be able to comment on this one!! Is your Mother particularly angry at you for somthing?? I'm always saying that the only way I'll ever look thinner is to fatten up everyone around me...Maybe they're just jealous cuz're prettier?? just clearly not in that hat!!! LOL Good plan on wearing it with them only, just make sure you drool alot and spontaneously twitch and shout profanity when wearing year you'll get real diamonds in your tiarra!! May the force be with you my friend;) btw - my security word is "cqditle" not sure what it means but it's cooler than last weeks word;)