Thursday, February 15, 2007

You Think You Know But You Have No Idea

Someone made a comment to me not too long ago about my comfortable life. I think it came up in a conversation about things usually just falling into place for me. Anyway, the particular comment that caught my attention was one about my "cushy job" and how I seem to have everything handed to me on a silver platter.
I'll have you know that I have worked my ass off for everything that I have. I say this in a calm tone. I'm not irritated by it, I just feel the need to say this. I got to this point my life after a long struggle.

I know the person who made these comments has no idea that it took me over 8 years to get my degree. I did the first 2 years of my degree as a full time student. After that, I accepted a job with a different gov't department than where I am now. I worked full-time there. At the same time I worked Tuesday nights at a local pub from 8 pm until 3 am..only to get up for my day job 3.5 hrs later. I also worked Saturdays at the same pub. While working these 2 jobs, I finished my degree by taking 3 courses per semester as well as taking classes during intersession and summer session. Did I mention I hated that full-time job? It was wretched and I cried almost daily. Somewhere in between working 2 jobs and attending 3 hour classes 3 evenings a week, I had to find time to study and complete assignments. No to mention, see my husband, eat, and sleep. Oops, I forgot to add driving time to that too. Oh, and showering and household chores too.

All told, to get my degree etc it took me 9 years to get to my "cushy" job. Oh and for the record, I like my job but it's not cushy. So, how's that? I just handed it all to you on a silver platter. Should I feed it to you with a silver spoon too? ;)


Queen Mel said...

There are those few people who others would "trade spots" with but you know what? Its not any better, you just take on their problems in replace of your own..

No thank you - I do not want your job....2 jobs, worked your tail off, we all have our own story on that....I shake my head when people say that to me....I have family members who consider us rich...yeah I laughed too!

Kimmartha said...

I guess it all goes back to that old Sesame Street song "Where you put the eyes, that's about the size of it". It is so easy to look at someone's life and think "they are so lucky" or "they have it so easy", when in all reality, we all have challenges, troubles and problems. We also all have joy, happiness and love - it just may not be in the same way as everyone else.
I'm glad you took this comment (or at least you seemed to) with a grain of salt and told the whole story without getting angry or holding a grudge. Sometimes people say things like that and it comes out completely in the wrong context or it is interpreted completely in the wrong context and the listener is not willing to talk it over or resolve the issue.
You are a strong girl, you have worked hard and you deserve the rewards you have earned!

NickyT said...

I had no idea about any of this you written. I didn't know you worked 2 jobs and went to University.

Doesn't really suprise me I don't know this info - you really are not one to bellyache and complain.

Hardwork does pay off and I find it also makes more appreciative of what we have cause we worked DARN hard for it!

awareness said...

cushy job, my ass! OMG, there aren't many who could fill your shoes sarahdipity......

we only ever see a slice of someone else's reality don't we? Sweeping statements like that are never accurate.......

Sunny said...

Who was the bonehead who said you had a cushy job?!!! Do they even know what you do for a living?!!! I hope it wasn't me!!!

Anyway, I had no idea that you did all that and that it took so long to get your degree. I did the same kinda thing to get mine and it took me just as long...something we have in common. This is just another reason why you are a Princess. Princess Di was a hard working and dedicated person just like you. That Princess would be proud.

When I say "cushy" I'd have to say it would be meant in the way that a tall person would be nicknamed shorty...with a big spoonful of sarcasm...a silver spoon if you will.

You're great at your job and it is hard to stay positive and get up to go to work everday when you have to face the daily things that you have to.

Shame on that person...shame on them.