Monday, October 02, 2006

Stomach Ache Blues

My stomach has started to hurt again over the past few days. Not good. I told Eric my stomach hurt but I didn't really tell him (or my parents) the extent of it. After my week long stay in the hospital in February, I'm not feeling much like acknowledging this. The whole stomach problem is very frustrating. I have this excrutiating pain, can't eat, extreme weight loss, among other things that I don't care to post for the world to read. But the doctors don't know what is wrong. I don't blame them at all. It feels like they did every test known to man on me in February. They did rule out Crohns, Colitis and Cancer...the 3Big C's...and for that I'm very thankful.

I have managed to identify some foods which are triggers for my pain. I have also noticed that I seem to have a serious flare up about every 6-8 mths. When I have a flare up, even a small one, I must never let myself get hungry. Hunger makes everything much, much worse. Other than those 3 things, I have no answers. I've been very careful with my diet since my hospitalization. I cut down on coffee, fast food, pop, etc. I've even cut down on my hot sauce usage. We have only bought one bottle of Frank's hot sauce since February. I have limited myself to only using it on spaghetti. Many of you know that I used to bath all my food in Franks. I love it.

Anyway, my stomach was hurting this past Wednesday night, it hurt for a bit last night, and it's hurting again this morning. There is nothing I can do or take to make it go away. I just wait it out and hope for the best.

I've been considering going to a naturopathic doctor to see if they can help. I've been waiting because I suspect I need to go during a flare up. What good would it do to go when I feel fine?

Maybe I'll go research some Nature Docs now. Any referrals???


LadyLipgloss said...

She might be out on mat leave but give Julie McKeen a try. I think she's at a clinic on Regent street. OR email her I worked with her at Gibson Rehab.

NickyT said...

Sarah, please don't sit in pain. Call a doctor! I would hate to see you back in the hospital too but they need to find out what is wrong! Please, Please, Please!

Anonymous said...

We have 2 naturopathic doctors that live in Douglas (husband & wife) - Trisha knows her quite well and recommended her to me when I considered going to one. Their last name is Bunin. I think it's worth checking out since regular doctors haven't seemed to figure it out yet...