Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Today was Frexibition day for us. I left work early, went home got us some clothes, picked up JJ and Eric and we went to the Frex. We had a good time. I can't believe how bare the grounds were. Not a whole lot of attractions or people tonight.
This year Jillian was all about the rides. She went on them by herself and had a great time. She was all smiles and was even throwing her head back and laughing. The only ride she didn't care for was the Merry-Go-Round - she said it was boring. She wanted to get on the big rides so badly but we distracted her in hopes that she would forget. Not only is she too young, but we didn't want to get on. She wanted to get on the Ferris Wheel but it terrifies me. I'm talking frozen in fear kind of scared. So we stuck with the kiddie rides and she was content.
Jillian even managed to scam a few free rides. We were walking past one ride and she said she wanted to go on. The guy running it said pass her over the fence and he stuck her on just before he started it. We tried to give him tickets but he said not to worry about it. Hehehe...that girl has some of me in her after all.
Eric knew the police officer at the city police booth and he offered to let JJ sit in the police car but she wouldn't do it. Ugh...she does NOT get that from her mother. We also watched some pigs race which wasn't great. Oh! I almost forgot. Jillian met Bonnie Kilburn tonight. I introduced them and told Jillian she was going to dance at Bonnie's dance school. There was a video playing of some of the dancers and I asked JJ if she wanted to do that. She said she did. Jillian is totally gung-ho to start dance and keeps asking when she'll get to see Bonnie. Now I just have to explain to her that Bonnie won't acutally be teaching her. That will go over like a lead balloon.


Queen Mel said...

Bailey got into the cop car, of course she went to the back seat FIRST! We shut the door and took her picture, it was pretty dark in there but we got it. I said to the cop that we could frame her when she's older, the cop said "literally"...LOL

NickyT said...

I refuse to go this year. Well maybe not refuse - I'll prolly go in late on Friday night and get a dozen dippy dogs.