Friday, April 27, 2007

So Bad Yet So Good

I know tanning is really bad for you but it's so relaxing. I don't normally go to a tanning salon unless I'm heading south. But today I threw caution to the wind and to Miami I went.

I'm reading the form they have you fill out and the whole process cracks me up. They give a list of things that make you a high risk tanner and if you say yes to a few of these they don't suggest you are a good candidate for tanning. Here are the criteria I remember:
* cancer runs if you family - not that I'm aware of
* you burn easily - Yup!
* you've had moles removed - Check!
* were born with many moles on your body - Of course!
* have a very fair complexion - Call me Casper!

So what did they say when I answered yes to all of these? "Do you want to start today?"

LOL...sign me up! My gravestone will say "She died of cancer but boy was she relaxed."


gypsybug said...

she was relaxed and a great colour!

Queen Mel said...

no, no, no - it will say

"She died of cancer - we think but dammit she looked HOT"

awareness said...

hey, we share the same secret :)

I LOOOOOOVVVVEEE how meditatively wonderful it is. I take my music and zone out.

Did you read the article in the
Sat. Globe about the research on Vitamin is now shown that Vit. D (from the sun) has a highly preventative substance to it with respect to cancer. I kid you not. Yesterday's front page.'s the question.....

Can one get Vitamin D from the tanning bed or does one have to fruity vitamin D cocktails while tanning at Miami in order to up the prevention?

hot, hot, hot..........hotteeee!