Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Family that Parties

If you look at the links on the left of the screen, you will notice one called Not the Favourite who happens to be my sister. I read her most recent blog and got a really good laugh from it. Mel read it and called me. She asked "How did you guys get to be like that?" The truth's a family thing. And I don't mean just me immediate my extended family too. Yup, there are more out there like me. I was telling Mel about some of our family parties/incidents and she requested that I write about it. Here is a small glimpse into our fun family...NO NAMES!!

* My extended family used to get together at my parent's house on Christmas Eve. We don't do this any more because we have children which makes it tough to have them out late on Christmas Eve and there are too many of us to fit into my parent's house. There are 2 things that come to mind from Christmas Eves past 1) a cousin peeing on her know who you are 2) my aunt and uncle saying they were going home to turn the bird (meaning their turkey that was cooking) and me turning that around to be a dirty comment. That comment still lives.

* We are Irish folk on my mom's side of the family and boy do we like to celebrate our heritage. We used to have great St. Patty's day parties until our elders turned into snowbirds...damn them! See me shaking my fist at them. Anyway, our parties tend to involve beverages which result in very happy, fun people. One year a happy, drunk cousin tried to convince the rest of us to play arse darts. Can't imagine why that didn't catch on. That was the same year I didn't notice the buttons on my shirt were undone.

* More than once my dad, my sister, and I have been the only people on the dance floor. We don't hold back.

*My cousin and I often used to hit the dance floor in our own style. Just incase she sitting there wondering "Is that me?" Yes, yes it is...she also split open her pants on the dance floor more than once. Incidentally, this is the same one who wanted to play arse darts. Oh...I can hardly type I'm laughing so hard.

* More than once I've attended wedding receptions with my family where we've been the last people on the dance floor at 1 am, left, and found somewhere esle to keep the party going.

* My father enjoys doing the Macarena and the bird dance. You can dress them up but...

* One of my family members makes horse noises when they've had too much to drink. Oh, I'm just dying writing this.

* One of my family members got so liquored at my wedding shower that her small dog sat on her to protect her and wouldn't let anyone near her. I should say this was at the after-shower party.

* I once asked my dad to get me a drink of water at a party. He must have been trying to teach me a lesson about being a lazy. I took a great big drink of water and found out it was pure vodka. I was in my 20's.

* People who marry into the family become like us. Mr. Princess breaks out his own funky dance moves after he's had a few. Churn the Butter, Drive the Bus, the Sprinkler, the Chainsaw, and the Wheelchair are just a few of his classic moves. Envision him dancing just like the name of the dance move. Eventually, he gets everyone doing it with him.
I actually have lots more but I think that's enough. So we like to have fun...big deal. At least we all like each other!!


Anonymous said...

OMG! I would SOOOO love to see your father do the macarena and the bird dance! Holy crap that would be funny!

Sunny said...

OMG!!!! That was sooooo funny! I can see how you guys turned out the way you did because you're all crazy!!! (Crazy in a good way of course)

gypsybug said...

OMG I almost forgot what a hoot you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard reading this. I have so many of my own family memories just like yours.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank god, I thought I had the only crazy drunk family

big momma said...
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proudmamma said...

I am laughing so hard I almost wet my pants (seriously, 4mths post- partum). Tears are running down my face...I am a crazy "country cousin" and have witness all of those events! I must say that I was not the only one playing arse dart. Most things I've done have been provoked by you SJ, except the pants thing. I did that all on my own, but you sewed them up without me taking them off. We've had alot of fun & should do it again soon!

NickyT said...

Yes, these are the stories you want to tell your youngins. When I was your age Pappa could do get a groove on to any song. Momma, could chug Vodka. And country cousin well you just ask her about the dancing the seams out of your pants. You guys sound like very much

Queen Mel said...

who wants to see Eric do his dances?

me, me, me, me, I do!

When is his next show?

gypsybug said...

I will even be willing to pay a cover to come and watch Eric boogy out.