Monday, April 09, 2007

Is it Time for Work Yet?

Oye. It's been a loooooong day. I love my daughter dearly but today was trying.

Last Saturday, JJ was running through the kitchen and took a spill. Neither the Mister or I saw her fall and just came running when we heard the ear-splitting scream. My kid is tough as nails and if she screams or cries, she is hurt. We ran into to the kitchen and she is bawling saying her foot hurt. She couldn't walk on it and it hurt to touch it. We elevated and iced her foot and gave her some motrin for the pain. She limped on it for a few days but it didn't seem to slow her down. We figured she just twisted something. She was able to rotate her ankle, point her toes, etc so we knew it wasn't broken.

Fast forward to this weekend. She was still limping on Friday and I decided it needed to be looked at by a doctor. I tend to be obsessive compulsive once I get something in my head. I worried about that foot all weekend and was going to call the doctor Tuesday when they re-open. Well, doesn't she take a spill yesterday. F***! Now the foot is swollen and he limp is even worse. She is alright after we ice it but it isn't long before that wears off.

We've been trying to keep her quiet and off the foot all weekend. Especially after she re-injured it yesterday. I'm telling you it's like trying to get the sun not to shine. We haven't taken her out to play because we don't want her walking on the foot. Especially on ice and snow. I can't begin to tell you how many times I had to ask her not to do things today. She as so much pent up energy and no way to release it.

Our night ended with her biting my finger. She is 3 1/2 years old! She knows better than to bite. I was telling he a story (I make up a story every night about her Ducky) and at the very end she reaches over and bites my damn finger. WTF?? I didn't even finish the story. I got up, told her I was done because she bit me and I left. She came out once, I explained again what was happening and sent her back to bed.

I feel bad because I know she *must* have been frustrated today too, not to mention all that unreleased energy. But, seriously, biting me?!?! What is up with that??

I'm calling the doctor first thing in the morning to have that foot looked at. I hope she has a better day tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... this must be one of those times a parent would tempted to tie their child down, huh?

It has to be frustrating, not just for JJ, but you as well, since you have the unfortunate task of reminding her to stay off her foot. And even more so when she shows her frustration with a behaviour she knows is inappropriate. Hope everything works out with the doctor tomorrow.

gypsybug said...

Man I like her time I am down in the dumps I think I will just haul off and bite the person closest to me!

big momma said...

not to freak you out but... a friend of mine had a similar experience and when she took he daughter to the doc turns out she had two fractures - one that had started to heal since it was about a week old!!!!

The Sarcastic Mommy said...

Tie Her To The Bed.

Queen Mel said...

Gosh I hope the doc doesn't want to remove her teeth.....(joking)

Poor thing, I sure hope she is ok and what big momma said doesn't happen - but ya never know....I hope they send her for x-rays straight away.

I'm glad its back to work today too!

b.c. Gurl said...

ugh - not fun - for either of you!! Hope things go well at the drs today - and that the healing process is quick!!

awareness said...

hey you momma!

What's up? How is the little one?

Hope all is well......... :)