Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Proof is in the Pudding

And all the proof points to the fact that I am a complete geek. I was sitting here scrapbooking this morning and heard something about human rights on the radio. Of course, that made me start thinking. You know what? I am such a geek that I actually have 2 favourite sections in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I kid you not. In fact, they've been my favourites for a long time. I know some of you already know this.

Both of my favourites fall under the term Legal Rights.

The first is section 8 - Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure. I like this one because I like the challenge of trying to find loop holes and such. I remember an example of this that a professor gave in university and it goes like this. There is a house for sale and the police suspect they sellers have stolen art inside. The police could not pose as potential buyers to go check out the place. There is much more to it than that but that's a quick example.

My other favourite is section 11 (d) - Any person charged with an offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. This one makes me so appreciative that I live in Canada. I'm positive that many Canadian take this right for granted. I cannot imagine living in a country where you could be put to death or punished in any way just because someone thought you did something. There are many places/countries that if the powers that be decide you did did it. Whether there is proof or not. I can't even imagine what that is like.

Anyway, there you have it. Two quick paragraphs that completely prove my geekiness. I can't help it. I've always loved Charter issues and Human Rights issues because of the challenge in the interpretation. Everybody has their thing and that is mine.

I'm going leave my "pet sections" for the day and do some scrapbooking. Then Shelley and I are going to take a stab at making Jay's delicious Thai mussels. If we can figure out the damn lemongrass. :)


Anonymous said...

You *are* a geek and boring. I'm not sure why I read this one either.

coolestgrammie said...

Don't listen to those who don't understand. You should be a legal beagle Princess!

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

I love this stuff too. If I had the brains I would have been a lawyer.

proudmamma said...

I love that you are a geek & I love to read your insight to life! As for those with who don't enjoy, nor appreciate your thoughts...maybe it's time they stop reading this blog and find one that is better suited to their interests.

awareness said...

who is this anon person?? Rude!

I was in university when the charter of rights was signed etc.... I read it through....was intrigued ..... It was a huge deal and had obviously been in the news for a couldn't miss it.

So, how bizarre was it that I was the only one in my social welfare class besides the professor who had taken the time to check the damn document out????

I think this kind of stuff is right sexy!

Anonymous said...

Anon - don't take credit for what I wrote. Yeah, I'm the "dipshit" over on Tay. So, I suppose it narrows down who you are. Loser.

- The original Anonymous

FYI - Princess, my advice would be to delete the first comment. Something you may have heard from me before. And know you know who I am. ;-P Shhh, it's a secret.

The Original Princess said...

Nice. I have no idea who any of you are. How about I delete all the comments?

The Original Princess said...

Change in plans. I'm not deleting the comments.
I've been blamed for enough shit that I haven't done. And now you're making it look like I know who you are and who made these comments here and over on the other blog. Thanks, that's just fucking awesome. One more reason to let me take the fall.

Anyone else want to get in line and have me take it for them???


The Fall Girl

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

You know, I read this blog and many others because I appreciate the different perspectives and such. I could really do it without all the snotty comments. If you don't like what you read then don't read it. It sucks the fun out of it for everyone else. Maybe that's the point. If it is, you are one sorry, sad individual (I was going to call you a human being but you're not). Keep writing Princess. I missed you while you were gone.

LadyLipgloss said...

God, what is wrong with you people?? If you have a problem with someone, just tell them. To their face. Don't be such an asshole.

Besides that, I'm fairly certain Princess could care less if you like her blog or not. She has bigger issues to deal with than your petty,selfish ass.

I love you, Princess!

gypsybug said...

wow, this is crazy...what the heck is going on?? we are all so much better than this!

Anonymous said...

Holy Dramz

LLW said...

I agree whole heartedly with Baby-Sweet Pea and Ladylipgloss! hear hear.

Anonymous' grow the hell up!

"The real" MarthaSue said...

You know - I think we should just ignore Anonymous - they're likin' the drama they are causing---precisely why they are doing it.... a bit of advice..... grow up.....(or name yourself....ahhh but that wouldnt' cause enough drama now would it??)

Oh yeah and I'm glad I live in Canada too.. (that's all i have to say about the charter..LOL).....

Sunny said...

Holy Crap!!!! Who's next?!!! Someone has too much time on their hands. I'm not even going to acknowledge this anonymous person. Obviously if they can't sign their name than their opinion isn't worth worrying about.

I love Charter of Rights stuff as well. Law stuff in general is of real interest to me. If I hadn't gotten such a bad mark in grade 12 math due to a terrible teacher I would be a lawyer by now most likely.

Miss you P!!!!!

Hollee said...

Ahhh Princess...You can't truly call yourself a geek until you've been the Captain of the student police!!! THAT my friend will earn you a 1 way ticket to Geek-land ;) Your love of legal stuff only qualifies you for the entry exams cuz under section 43c "Any person of royalty shall only qualify for entry upon successful completion of the entrance exams. They must, however, provide written confirmation that no royal suitings - including bling-ish tiara's - have been worn for seven buisness days prior to the examination date in order to qualify to write said exams."

Just thought you should know ;)
