Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sun and Coarse Language

Did you hear that tomorrow is supposed to be 30 degrees??? Well 29 degrees but that's close enough for me. I'm so excited. I loooooove the heat. I have a tradition that I stay home and hangout outside in my bikini on the first 30 degree day of the summer season. Guess what??? That day is tomorrow - WOOT! I'm freakin' giddy with excitement. Frankly, it doesn't take much.

I was under the weather earlier this week. I had some sort of nasty sinus thing. It made my head throb and made me do and think crazy things. My head was aching pretty badly from it and it was worse when I tried to lay down to go to sleep. Monday night I tried sleeping upright on the couch. That only resulted in an over-tired, mildly psychotic, wanting to do mean things to people-who-make-long-lasting repetitive noise kinda Princess. Causing serious bodily harm to people crossed my mind more than a few times. Oh, it wasn't my sweet child who was doing that. She is a darling little angel who sat for 30 mins while I put her hair in ringlets. She's rocks.

The pain and annoyance also caused me to become very creative with, as my cousin calls it, the F-bomb. I can insert the F-bomb just about anywhere. For example, The noise is in-fucking-cessant, This is un-fucking-believable, I'm going to throw myself out the fucking get it.

But I'm better now and no longer flinging the F-bomb around...cause that's just not lady like.


The Sarcastic Mommy said...

Shhh, don't tell anyone I so fucking love the F-bomb. Use it all the time, lady schmady. Shhh.

Queen Mel said...

I use the "f" word a lot when my daughter is not in the vicinity I love it very fucking much, it totally fucking rocks

gypsybug said...

at my workplace we can say the Fword and nobody looks sideways. I had a coworker once yell FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK like 15 times at his phone and I sit right in front of him and he knew I heard but I didn't even is just accepted there!

Kimmartha said...

I hear you on the sinus thing - mine have been crazy this spring. I'm starting to think it's allergy related. Just because it was snowing last week and is 30 this week, that wouldn't affect our health in any way would it?!!!

Queen Mel said...

Hey KimMartha, who gives a fuck about the sinus', how often do YOU use the F-bomb? tell the truth......

Anonymous said...

I have an aweful potty mouth when it comes to the F-word and Hannah is not around. I have one question though...who in the world ever decided that it was a bad word. Did someone just get up one day and say "I am gonna make Fuck a bad word to say". I mean come on...the word rocks, how can it be bad??????

Anonymous said...

oh as far as lady like goes....nobody ever accused Jennypooh of being a

NickyT said...

Ohhhh, I have a mouth of a sailors daughter. Or maybe I should say the mouth of Mother. She is classic for her FBomb usage.

So ummmmmmm how is that tanning going anyways?

Oh one more thing......You creative fucking thing, you finished 17 layouts! WOOT WOOT

Maybe, you should post a parental advisory on this post lol?

The Original Princess said...

We are so fucking classy that it hurts.

gypsybug said...

Fuck ya!!

awareness said...

who fucking told you it wasn't ladylike? The word and the behaviour is what this fucking life is about isn't it?

don't let anyone fucking tell you any different.

Hope the fuck your head feels better, sarahdipity in a bikini.

abee said...

Fuckin' A...I thought of you and the fucking great weather and the fucking tradition...should have fucking called....could have braved the bikinis together.

Love this fucking weather !!