Sunday, May 13, 2007

Eyes Shut - Part Deux

Well, it turns out I have my eyes closed even when I think they're wide open. Yesterday I tore this place apart looking for souvlaki seasoning (shhhh...don't tell JJ that is what is for supper). I knew I bought some from Jay but damn I couldn't find it anywhere.

I'm really bad for stashing things away, which is a sign that your "retail therapy" may be getting a tad out of control ;) I took all the Epicure jars out of the cupboard but couldn't find the souvlaki. So I ended up waist deep in my closet looking for this stuff, I cleaned out the car, and was even lost in the abyss that is the cave under my scrapbook table. I couldn't ask the mister to help me because, quite frankly, I don't want him looking in the places it might be. After all that looking I came up empty handed. There was no souvlaki spice to be found.

I was headed to Jay's place for a girls night so I took a container and bummed some spice from her. As usually, she graciously fixed me up. And as usual, she took good care of me and even gave me instructions on how to prepare it. Oh Jay, you'll be happy to know I put the meat on skewers and it will be BBQ'd.

Fast forward to this afternoon. I'm standing at the counter making the kabobs and all of a sudden I have a flashback to last night. No, it had nothing to do with Nic's undergarments (or lack of). I suddenly realized that the jar Jay has last night was small. Hot damn, I open the cupboard and there is the souvlaki spice. I had been looking for a large size jar but it was a small jar.

The worst part of all this? It was right at the front of the cupboard, in the center staring me in the face with a large size SOUVLAKI label.


Queen Mel said...

maybe some shock therapy wouldn't hurt? or if your daring....ginkobiloba even?


NickyT said... that story is soooooo me! I misplace stuff all the time to find it AFTER I needed it!

I know you all just a tad jealous.....hahahaha. But hey the celebs do it all the time! And I know when I'm 60 and they are hanging down to my belly button you will all say that You Told Me So!

Anonymous said...


Snicker, snicker.

Kimmartha said...

I did that with a wallpaper boarder for my kitchen once. I did find it, 1.5 years later, after I decorated my kitchen in a different way. Where was it? In the kitchen closet. Duh!!!

gypsybug said...

you miss one party and you have no idea what Nicole is talking about!!!