Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wise Words

"What's the point of wearing fancy panties if you can't show them off?" These are the wise words spoken by my uncle this afternoon at the reception following the baptism of my sweet little cousin. Of course this quote was spoken in reference to my lovely daughter, dressed up in a beautiful pink party dress, who was laying in the middle of the floor alternately eating cake and putting her feet over her head.
My family is soooo classy. My mom dropped her cake on the floor. I couldn't figure out which coffee was mine and just kept trying a bunch until I hit the right one (three tries later). My aunt, being the smart one said "Dear there is plenty of coffee just get yourself another one." that is some smart thinking. Too bad at 30 years old, someone had to point it out to me.
The classiness only continued after my daughter slid down a wooden ramp getting splinters in her butt. I told her to bend over so I could help her out with her situation. I then bent over her and um...brushed her off. My classy cousin shouts out "Hey Princess (insert real name here) you 2 look like a Cirque du Soleil act". She was wrong because a real Cirque act would have looked classy. We did not.
You know there was a time in my life that if I had said "I have splinters in my butt." on a Sunday morning/afternoon, that my cousins would have nodded and smiled knowing that it meant I had a really, really good time the night before. My how times of changed. Except one thing...we still as classy as evah! Oh and can I just say that my family, as a whole, produces the cutest damn kids ever!?!?


The Sarcastic Mommy said...

Finally you know how I felt all of those times i had to spend my sunday picking splinters out or YOUR butt, she just takes after you! LOL

Madiegirl said...

I have to say it all does sound a little familiar ;-) A chip of the old block !! lol
But really, classiness is boring

Queen Mel said...

crazy, crazy girls.....she'll always be known as the fungirl, I'm sure her grade 12 year book will have this as her saying:

"if I can't be the fun girl, then nobody will be"

proudmamma said...

My dad always had a way with words...