Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Prickly As a Cactus

Prickly as a cactus...wanna guess what I mean? I was laying in bed last night alone drinking a Pina Colada Fuzzy Duck. Mmmmm....gooood. Eric has been sick this week so he's been sleeping in the spare room. He snores so loud that he sounds like a freight train on a good night. He sounds like a tornado riping through when his nose is stuffed up.

Anyway, back to last night. So, I'm laying there enjoying my Fuzzy Duck when I realize I'm a bit itchy and do I say this my groin area. I quickly realize that my brazilian bikini wax is growing in. What the heck?!?! They told me I should be hair free for 4-6 weeks and it would grow back in softer and not an prickly as when you shave. Well, that is not my experience, folks. Prickly girly parts on prickly girly parts don't feel so nice.
Someone asked me if doing the wax made me feel free or liberated. Somone else asked me if it made me feel sexy. Yeah, those who asked, you know who you are. If you are into the prickly pear look or if you find cactus plants sexy....than yes, I feel very sexy. Otherwise, that would be a big fat no - I feel itchy and prickly.
In the shower this morning, I was having a mental debate on whether or not I will do this again. I'm as of yet undecided. The sucker in me thinks it'll be good for the beach. The big cry-baby in me doesn't like the pain in the 24 hours after the wax. And let me tell ya, this cactus plant feeling ain't so great either. But you know what, nobody is laughed more at this experience than I have. I was laughing in the shower thinking about it this morning and I'm laughing now as I write this.


Queen Mel said...

3 Cheers for the Cactus! Hey, Hey, Hey! That is way too funny. I'm sorry to hear your all itchy and stuff, try to keep that part hidden as much as you can because scratching your "areas" in public isn't lady like ya know?

You think WAAAAYYYYYY too much Sarah.......that should be your next blog, your thinking patterns...LOL

NickyT said...

Tee Hee - once again the picture of Paris Hilton with her hand down her bikini scratching makes me think that she just had a BW done!