Tuesday, May 23, 2006


My co -worker and his wife had their first baby on Sunday. He sent me some pics of Baby Jessica this morning and she is absolutely adorable. She is the spitting image of her dad and has lots of hair. I can't wait to see her in person.
Now, Jessica truly is adorable, but seeing new babies always raises the same question for me. Would you have any idea if your own baby/child wasn't cute? Of course, I will never know this because my angelic daughter is a vision of beauty. She has gorgeous ringlets of spun gold, creamy white skin, dimples in her rosy pinchable cheeks, and green eyes the color of the most perfect emeralds. Need I say more?
But what if your child wasn't cute? Really, would you ever be able to tell? I seriously wonder this. Would you be blinded by parental pride and unconditional love? Or would you be able to see that maybe your child hadn't been physically gifted. I mean let's face it...most babies are pretty cute but cute babies grow up and BAM! someone wacks them with the ugly stick.
I actually know someone (I will not mention anynames) who said that her son was lucky he had gorgeous eyes because other than that he wasn't very attractive. Oye...even if I knew my child had been hit by the stick...I wouldn't tell other people.
EUREKA!!! Maybe that's the answer!! Maybe they do know it but just keep it to themselves.
Oh well, I guess that may just be one of those questions that I will never know the answer to. Afterall, my little pumpkin is damn near perfect. If only I could get her to stop poking me sticks.

1 comment:

Kimmartha said...

I think most parents believe that their babies are cute & perfect, but as for me, I KNOW it!!! I had two butterball blondies with blue eyes - always grinning and sooooo photogenic. But the thing I have found since giving birth is that although most other babies are cute, they are nowhere near as gorgeous as mine were/are. I guess we give birth to babies and bias!!!