Friday, May 19, 2006


Unfortunately, Eric and I are saddled with life threatening allergies. Eric is allergic to shellfish - his throat closes. I'm severly allergic to mosquito bites, bee stings, hay, and fresh cut grass. I have a few others too but these things can make my throat close. We have been hoping allergies would be something Jillian wouldn't inherit from us but it isn't looking good.
Yesterday morning, I noticed she had a bug bite on the right side of her forehead. It wasn't a big deal just a normal bug bite. When I picked her up from daycare the bite has swollen beyond belief. It was protruding half an inche from her head and was equal in it's width. I, admittedly, freaked out a bit at first. I have been through this myself and it's not something I want for my child. If I get more than a few bugs bites at one time I find myself in trouble. Three bites is enough to cause a running nose that drips the a faucet, red, swollen, itchy eyes, and fits of sneezing. Any more than that and my throats get tight and itchy. Who would ever want that worry for their child.
Anway, I'm calmer about it today. I called my doctor and told them I didn't think she needed to be seen but told them about the incidient. Before I got any further, I have to say my Dr, his nurse, Tanya, and office staff, Martha and Janey, and freakin' awesome. Seriously, I can't begin to say enough great things about them. Anyway, Tanya thinks JJ should have an epipen. That means all three of us carry an epipen now.
At $100 a pop, sure hope they have a family deal. Wow, could you imgine if we didn't have Blue Cross??? Epipens are expensive and I, for one, hope I never have to use it. Better safe than sorry. When we see the doctor to get the prescription for the Epipen, I'm going to ask him about testing JJ for a shellfish allergy. Should it be done in a hospital setting, by an allergist? I'm definitely not comfortable doing it at home. I'll likely be told to just keep her away from it but that is getting more and more difficult. People have an overwhelming urge to feed her things when they find out she's never had something before.

Oh, about that montrous fly bite turned bump - I did have another theory about that growth. It could have been her little devil horn finally coming in. They like teeth, there is not real time line as to when they get their horn. She has been showing all the signs that they might be coming in. You know the hitting, yelling, "NO" being her answer for everything, crying if you don't do exactly what she wants when she wants. Fly bite allergy or sure yet. I'll leave the final diagnosis up to Dr. Robertson. He was a grandson 6 months younger than Jillian so, who knows, he may agree that it's horns too.


NickyT said...

You are a theorist Sarah! I didn't know that!!!

Your Stupidity theory - I love!
Your toddlers growing theory - could have child psychologist doing a whole new batch of research!

The Sarcastic Mommy said...

My kid developed her horns around age two and they dissapeared for a while when she was 3 but now that she's three and half they are back.....keep me posted! Good luck dealing with whatever it turns it out to be (horns or allergies)!

Kimmartha said...

Tanner had allergy tests done last year (due to asthma). They were done at the Pediatrition's office and he did really well. I started asking about having them done when he was 2 (after being hospitalized again for asthma),but was told he was too young.

And about the whole terrible two/trying three thing - these phrases were just made up by people who had not yet experienced what an aquantance of mine was coined as the "F****** Fours"!!!!!