Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm easily bored. I mean I can have 10 million things to do and still be bored with it all. Which brings me to the avoid and pain topics I mentioned last week. I know it's sounds depressing but really it's not.
I have all kinds of piles on my desk that I need to get to but I just don't do it. You see this is a special pile of items that I don't want to work on for one reason or another. A major flaw of mine is that I'm an "avoider". I totally avoid things I don't want to deal with.
The piles on my desk just get moved around on my desk every day so I can work around them. I also keep a notebook on my desk that I write in constantly. I write things I have to do, notes on cases, notes from phone calls etc. I also tend to doodle in this book when I'm on the phone. The notebook typcially tends to sit on the pile of stuff I like to avoid. So one day a few weeks ago, I was on the phone and when I looked down after the phone call, I noticed I had doodled AVOIDANCE. Hello? How clearly do I need to spell it out to myself? Get at that pile!!! I'm publicly stating that I intend to clear that pile in the next 2 weeks while I'm stuck in the office. Mark my words


Kimmartha said...

Wow, reading this was just like reading about myself. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this area!

Sunny said...

Ditto! I'm the same way. I am an avoider as well.

I'm coming upstairs with a ruler to see just how high that pile is and how small it gets within 2 weeks.

"The real" MarthaSue said...

me too...omg i'm drowning...and am totally avoiding...
