Thursday, December 13, 2007


Well, I haven't said much over the last 24 hours with all the blogs going on. I've decided to keep my yap shut for once. I know, crazy isn't it. But holy hell, then Ames and Mel go and post that mushy friend crap. I'm not a mushy person by nature but that stuff almost made me cry this morning.
Relationships are tough ladies. All relationships. Having said that, some relationships are easier but they all require work. We are a large group and we we tend to break off into groups and that is normal. Some girls will be closer with others and chances are those relationships are easier. But you know, you still have to work at it to some extent.
I'm not always the most forgiving person and I can admittedly be judgmental by times. But you know we've all come through alot together in the last little while. I'd love to tell you that it will all be sunshine and lollipops from here on out but we all know it won't be. Life happens and you all know that something will come up, probably soon because it's been a bit too quiet, and we'll need to rally around and support one another. Amy mentioned how important honesty is in a friendship and I think she is absolutely right. But remember what I said about relationships beig work? Part of that work is trying to understand your friends and what works. I'm not suggesting we pussy foot around. I'll use myself as example, I'm a loud-mouth but I hate confrontation and you need approach me gently or I will cry. Seriously.
So how about we all throw down the boxing gloves and make nice? Unless I can have some cute pink boxing gloves. Because then I'd want to go a round just for the sake of the gloves. But please don't get any blood or snot on my cute gloves because that would be gross and then I'd be mad and wouldn't want to take my own advice.

I love you, Girls.




Queen Mel said...

ditto, what she said, take a step back and look into the future and see the past.

Forgive and forget, well I'm not saying you have to forget or really even forgive but can't we move up and forward? I can't remember who told me to do that once before.....but it was good advice.

The Original Princess said...

What the deal Mel? You don't love me?!?!

Sunny said...


I still love you P!

Anonymous said...

So help me...if ANYONE gets Princess pink boxing gloves then I will have to open a can of whoop ass on somebody....LOL

Queen Mel said...

hugs & kisses P...hugs & kisses...

The Original Princess said...

Jenn clearly you didn't get the message i was trying to get across. Sweetie, go back read it again and then go shopping for my damn boxing gloves.



NickyT said...

Holy did everybody get into the freakin' sappy juice while I was work today?

Too make sure you are feeling the love,
Love Ya times 100 gazillion M&M's!!