Sunday, September 09, 2007

What a Night

We are home safe and sound from Lake George but what a journey from beginning to end. Too much happened to document here but I'll try to hit the highlights. Girls, feel free to add your memories.

* We travelled in 2 trucks and our truck took a different turn on than Jay's group. The look on Mel's face was priceless and totally expected. We had mentioned meeting at a store close to the lake but we weren't surprised that they weren't there when we arrived. I know that "Screw them!" was said as they drove past. :)

*Tay Creek is still just as strong when you drink it at Lake George. Enough said

* We are now Karaoke pros and Jenn M is our leader. As one might expect, I like having a microphone in my hand. I found that when I have a mic in my hand it is impossible for me not to talk into it.

* A late night dip in the lake with no swimsuits. Unfortunately, the lake was very low and we were only up to our knees when 2 kayaker paddled by. What can you say about this?

* A call at 2 am and 4 girls leaving immediately due to an emergency. My thoughts are with the family.

* Jenn M, Mel, Jay, and I driving home. OMG! We started following a car at Keswick Landing and it only took a few minutes for us to realize it was a drunk driver. Buddy was ALL over the road. He was swerving into on-coming traffic and almost hit 2 cyclists. ran a car of the road and almost drove into a cement median. It was sooooo scary. Anyway, I called 911 and we stayed on the phone with dispatch from the Shell in Keswick until the turn off to Royal Road just before you hit the lights at Brookside Mall. Let me just say that apparently the 911 calls are taped and I'm very embarrassed. This drunk drive was scaring the hell out of us and had many, many near head-on collisions. Every time he headed for another car we freaked out. There was alot of swearing involved. Fredericton's finest arrived on the scene and we all cheered and then started singing "Bad Boys" the theme from Cops. Ummm...while I was still on the phone being recorded. Nice. Anyway, the dispatcher told us to pull over because the police we want to talk to us. We all had to write statements. Of course, being scrapbookers we documented the procedure. The officer was really cool about it and even took a group photo with us. Out of respect for the officers involved, we won't be posting the photos anywhere. They'll just be for our own use.

Those are the highlights. We had a great time and nobody can complain that it wasn't exciting!


Queen Mel said...

Our new nick name is......wait for it is.....its really great....


Sunny said...

Yea, that was one hell of a weekend!!! Paul's pretty disappointed he missed it and thought the kiake episode was priceless. I am going to paint that and give each of you a print. It will be an inside joke and when many people look upon it well after my death they won't understand why I chose the title "Naughty Girls".

The Fab 4. That's us! That was the most fun and excitement I've had in ages.

By the way, I'm all done the last 25 lbs of peppers. Thank goodness. Now I'm going out for icecream. I don't smoke so I figure this is the next best thing after a day like today.

Queen Mel said...

Jenn you crack me up girl!

Fab 4 til the end!

gypsybug said...

the universe really does revolve around you....what a crazy thing to have happened. It must have been soo scary, but man good thing you were there when you guys were.

Anonymous said...

Shel asked me again this morning if there was really skinny dipping going on...I laughed and said "yeah". He then asked if there was pictures and of course I said "no". Then he laughed and said don't bull shit me...I know you guys are all scrappers and someone had to take I told them yes there was pics but I wasn't able to disclose them to him....LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah....and "Breast Friends Forever"....too priceless.

NickyT said...

Cheers with my Tay Creek Tequila Margurita to another fun night.

I would like to order a print Jen of that painting in 40x20 for above my bed. I would like the signatures of all bathing beauties on the back. I'm sure it will be a family heirloom! I have never had my potrait painted before and I know the grand kids will *love* it!

I missed the A.M. excitement! You girls having to call for backup to take down the arse on the road. Fantastic Fab 4! I can see Jay being totally calm. Also can hear all of you actually verbatim in my head hahaha. *heart ya's*

I would love to see Jen at the Northstar rocking the mic some night. Her Chracter Incoporated Moves with her combined pool moves and mic magic would hail her a huge following I'm sure!