Monday, June 30, 2008

Second Best...It's Almost Good Eough!

The province of New Brunswick recently came out with a new slogan " this place". I've decided my new personal slogan is "Second best...It's almost good enough!" I've been thinking lately and I'm totally a "settler". I settle for things instead of taking a stand for myself and going after what I really want or deserve. I know that I do it because I don't want to upset people. I'm afraid I might piss someone off if I voice my displeasure. Sometimes, I manage to convince myself that my feelings are not justified even though logically I know they are. I've been this way as long as I can remember.

I don't settle for anything but my best when I am producing something. For example, at work the result may not be perfect but I do things to the best of my ability. I always make sure I'm prepared, that people are not waiting on me, and if at all possible that I'm not standing there telling people that I don't know. Outside of work, if I tell you I'll so something than I do it to the absolute best of my ability.

But when the tables are turned it's a cake walk. Give me your left overs, your half-assed effort, be late, whatever! it comes. Wait for it, just wait for it. Second's almost good enough.


Queen Mel said...

ruff night?

gypsybug said...

You can count on me to give you my best....may not be the best another could give, but it will be my best.

Being the best is too high pressure. I agree, that second best isn't so bad.

The Original Princess said...

Not a rough night at all. In fact, I had a great night. The post is a result of the conversation we had yesterday regarding JJ.

LLW said...

I let the same things happen to me, and give my best - you don't always get out of relationships what you put in.

Amy is right though, not everyone's best is the same, and expectations end up being higher than they should be thus making us desire more from others than really, they aren't able to give...

Queen Mel said...

oh gotcha! yeah tough stuff....

NickyT said...

Sometimes, though you have to voice your concern and maybe piss somebody off. If you have always taken the backseat to this situation things are only going to change if you make it change. Don't settle for Almost Good Enough no matter what way the tables are turned.

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

No!!! Second best is just first loser and your ARE SO NOT A LOSER!!! Don't take any crap Princess. You shouldn't! You can't! I haven't known you long but I can tell you, you rock! Always a chance to turn over a new leaf. Turn, Princess, turn!! Only give your best to others when you get it because that's what you deserve!!

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

Ok, so I'm being's my mood today...

But you still rock. : )

NickyT said...

Sweet Pea you may think you sound dramatic I think this line I used:

Don't settle for Almost Good Enough no matter what way the tables are turned.

Now that I just re-read it sounded like a Fortune Cookie - Fortune!!!!!