Monday, June 09, 2008

Monday Morning Obervations

* Ankle bracelets that are so tight that it makes your foot turn blue are not pretty.

* Ass sweat stains on a chair will evaporate in approximately 30 mins.

* It is possible to leave ass sweat stains at 9:23 am.

* If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie wipe the always appropriate.

* Short cut off jean shorts than only end 2 inches below your ass cheeks are never appropriate office wear. Unless you are a federal employee.

* It will not be possible for me to drink enough coffee today.

* Sunburned boobies will sweat.

* I love summer.

That it for now. This list may be uppdated as the day goes on.


Queen Mel said...

wow downsides to a heat wave....awesome!

Sunny said...

It's amazing what people consider appropriate office wear.
The only way to top off that kind of lovely outfit is a crop top...also helps with the boob sweat problem. Kill two birds with one stone.

gypsybug said...

so you have both a sweaty ass and boobs today....great to know!

The Original Princess said...

Nope the ass was someone else.

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

Please don't tell me it's true...someone wore cutoff jean short to work??