Thursday, May 29, 2008

Observations of the Random Variety

My sister is snarky.


LadyLipgloss said...

Yes, yes I am. ;-P

awareness said...

snarky is a good thing......especially in a sister.

snarky brings out the competitive nature needed to win at arse darts while eating s'mores.

awareness said...

hey sarahdipity! I forgot to mention that I linked you today from my blog! I wrote a bit of a naughty post and your sweet angelic beautiful face came to mind.....thought I'd give you a chance to define arse darts for the rest of the world (or for the 15 or so who read my blog)

Rainbow dreams said...

yes please - though I have already asked... d refuses to tell me...and you tube looks decidedly dodgy and nothing fit firefighters would get up to..