Friday, May 09, 2008

True Friendship

Today may be the day that your true friendship with me is put the the test. Today may be the day that I will find out who really cares about me and how much you are willing to sacrifice for me.

You see, I've been wanting to punch a few people for about a week now. Not only that, I want to really kick them hard once they fall. Each day this urge gets increasingly worse. Today maybe the day.

Where do you come in? Rest assured that if you are reading this, you are not a candidate for the beating. No, if you area reading this I will need you to post bail for me. You will leave work (because believe me it'll happen during work hours) and pool whatever money you have to get me out of jail. You must not be shy to take money from the family food budget, take the bus because you'll need to throw your gas money into the pot, and let your child roam without a diaper because we're going to need that money too. This is advanced warning that you should cancel your spa and hair appt...we're going to need those funds. Don't be afraid to join forces. I'm not suggesting this needs to be a one person show. No, all your friends.

Did I mention I might need a good lawyer too? Start fundraising now. I know you're resourceful. GO!!!!


gypsybug said...

I'm in for both your $$ and can I throw a couple punches too?? they won't fight back with a pregnant chick with they?

NickyT said...

A gang beating is being ordered? Where what alley?

I have rolled change all ready to go....just say the word!

Queen Mel said...

I'm always up for a good fight!!!

"The real" MarthaSue said...

holy crap i need some excitement today....I wore my sneakers today so i'm good...should i pop my red bull?

I'm all for the pregger :)

Sunny said...

I've got a lawyer on standby and a car to run the idiot over when they're down.
Okay girls...let's move!!!!

The Original Princess said...

I FEEL the love.

Anonymous said...

I have connections at the police station so maybe I will be able to get a deal on the bail...hehe :o)

If that doesn't work......always claim everytime on CSI...LOL

Anonymous said...

I will stand on the sidelines and cheer hoarsely. Unless you want me to cough some phlegm on them, then I'm your girl!

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

Sweet Pea's college fund is sitting on the kitchen counter; just waiting for the call. And the lawyer...I have her on speed dial anyway so let's go. hehehe

lesly said...

Man - I gotta visit here more regular like : ) Did I miss it! And I could totally pass for preggers - nobody has kicked me out of those family parking spaces yet : ) I'm in!