Thursday, November 22, 2007

Write It Down!

I tell myself to write things down all the time. I've never had a great memory but lately it seems to be getting worse. It always cracks me up when people ask me to remind them of things. I'm telling you it's like asking the dog to watch your supper...not going to happen. Once you entrust me to remind you, it's like putting the information into an abyss...gone forever.

After JJ was born, I remember (how ironic is that?) thinking to myself that I would be very happy for the "Baby Brain" to subside and my memory to return to normal. As the time approached for me to return to work those thoughts changed to "Holy shit! My brain is still mush! How will I function in the real world?!?!" Sadly, it's 3 years later and I don't think things have improved...I have just adapted. Oh, and I think the people around me are down right tolerant.

So lately, I've had blogger's block and last night I was laying in bed thinking. I bet I would sleep much better at night if my stupid brain would shut down and STOP thinking. But nooooo it just won't. Anyway, I get all these ideas for topics to write about and I think "I'll totally remember that in the morning!" But I never do. I had a good idea last night but I decided to store it in my head for "safe keeping" and hence it is lost for ever. Locked in the vault never to be released again.

I've heard of people who leave a pen and paper beside the bed to write the stuff down. Whatever. My room in pitch black so I'd have to turn on a light. I'm talented but writing in the dark and making sense of it the next day is not one of my many, many extraordinary talents. If I dared turn on a light, assuming that I'm willing to leave my warm oasis of a bed, Mr Princess would f'ing freak and pee himself. I can hear it now.

Mr -Jesus Christ Sarah! What the hell are you doing?
Me - Oh I just had a great idea and wanted to write it down. Chill out!
Mr - $(%&$(# @($&5 It's 2 am. *!%^#
Me - Whatever (with a big eye roll)

And really who doesn't love a nasty argument at 2 am? I know I sure do. So there. How do you write things down in the middle of the night? FYI - I'm not really looking for an answer or a suggestion here. I'm simply trying to justify why I refuse to write things down even though I can hardly remember to wear pants most days. Let me have that simple joy.


Anonymous said...

I totally relate to the lack of memory. And it has EVERYTHING to do with being pregnant, and eight years later, I'm still waiting for my brain function to return to normal. My friend calls it the Post Partum Stupids. I thinks that's an excellent name!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you can blame it on pregnancy/kids ... cuz I don't have any and my memory is Swiss cheese.

Anonymous said...

OMG P...I've been waiting for 16 months to get rid of the mom mean it nevers goes away???

Kimmartha said...

Wait till you have a second one....

awareness said...

I do believe "palm pilots" glow in the dark. perhaps you could use yours to capture your thoughts. :) have a beautiful ass kicking brain. sharp as a knife, you are, you are......

Hollee said...

I totally forget what I was going to write! :o