Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pep Talk

Your Princess needs a pep talk. I've taken on some new responsibilities at work in the last month or so. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about it and it's a great opportunity for me BUT... Of course there is a BUT. The BUT is that I'm kinda of overwhelmed.

I haven't felt fully comfortable with this since the start but that is to be expected with new challenges. I think if you feel fully comfortable than maybe you aren't taking it seriously or doing it right. This new role is definitely out of my normal sphere. I'm a social issues, fix the world, go to bat for the under dog kind of girl. Now all of a sudden, it's numbers, deadlines, and logistical issues.

I know that I can get the job done. But today, after talking about the vomitous feeling I have in my stomach, I realized that I feel overwhelmed by the task and it's kinda making me doubt myself. Even a Princess has doubts sometimes.

I know that I'm very capable of doing this. I also have a great support system at work and outside of work. I have a great team working with me too. So here is my plan. I'm going to feel nervous, and maybe a bit sorry for myself, until 9:45 am. Then I'm going to go to ladies room, tame my hair, plaster a smile on my face, suck it up and go wow them with my Princess Charms. Princess Charms, for the love of all things good, don't fail me now.


Anonymous said...

Did you say numbers?

Sunny said...

You can do it. You are a very professional Princess and I know that you can keep them on track and get things done. Now go in there, polish up that crown and tell that what they're going to do and how they're going to do it!

Use your powers for good. This is the test remember? You are great at tests and will pass with flying colours. This will get you to that next level.

Keep on keepin' on my Princess and it will all work out.

Queen Mel said...

Your doing a great job and will keep doing a great job, its a lot to juggle but the pay off in the end will be worth it...

You can do it, you can do it! They would have never considered you if they had any doubt at all in your capabilities - remember that! and above all - knock em dead!

NickyT said...

LIttle late joining the cheering squad but I've been cheering for you the whole time :) I am in the mindset of Mel. They choose you for a reason.....knowing you CAN do it. Princess powers or not you got what it takes.

I've been in orientation at the hospital the past two days and thought lots of you and the policy's. One was a code white. Does the department have a code white, black, red or what have you for violent situations? Is every office equipped with a panic / white button to alert security if so? Does every employee know of the procedure to alert security to any violent situation? Okay off my soap box lol.

You go girl....a little bit of insecurity is a good thing in my opnion. If you were cock sure of yourself then that isn't a good thing either. Insecurity makes you think and work out each situation to the best solution.

High Five girl you rock!

Queen Mel said...

one can never be too cock sure of themselves....can they?

awareness said...

I have no idea how the meeting went......I hope it went well.

Don't get caught up in their personal fear factor bs Princess.

Never forget that THEY should be bowing to YOU because you bring the bright shining light to the table. Logistics numbers people NEED shining light creative people in their lives for many reasons.

Yes, they certainly need sarahdipity in their lives.

I have complete confidence in your abilities.

coolestgrammie said...

Ignore the suits and don't let the turkeys get you down. That's what I do here in the glass palace.

gypsybug said...

You are the best at what you do! - I truly believe in you 100% no matter what you are doing, work or personal...you are the best!