Sunday, January 20, 2008

Stand Off

Well, it seems the universe would be out of line if there wasn't a stand off in my household at least once every 12 months or so. If you remember last December we all went through the whole camera saga together. I wasn't victorious in the first battle but, ultimately, I won the war and consequently the camera.
Fast forward to the present day in our house. We are currently coming to the close of day 4 in the Great Cheerio Standoff of 2008. Let me take you back to Thursday evening when I had a conversation with my sweet daughter. As I was getting supper ready, I noticed there were some Cheerios spilled on the floor in front of the cupboard where the cereal is stored. I nonchalantly turned to my daughter and asked her who did it. She said her father did it. I said thanks and turned away.....leaving the cheerios on the floor. That brings us to Friday when I'm making supper. The mister strolls through the kitchen and I asked him if he spilled Cheerios on the floor. He said yes and walked to the couch and lays down. My head then exploded all over the kitchen. I mean brains on the floor and everything. I started to walk toward the living room to make my thoughts perfectly clear but I stopped. Really, why bother?
In the end, I have decided to say absolutely nothing and leave the Cheerios on the floor. It is now Sunday night and the Cheerios are still. on. the. floor. I'm trying to be strong and hold my ground. It's not easy to leave garbage on the floor but I feel I must. Today I swept the floor AROUND the Cheerios.
I was going to take a picture and post it but it's bad enough I publicly admitted that I'm letting the Cheerios rot on the kitchen floor. But, dammit, I am. I am.


Sunny said...

What to do? What to do? Do you let the Cheerios stay on the floor and continue to fight the battle or do you sweep the rotting Oh's made of whole wheat and admit defeat?.....Stand firm! Stand firm! You can do it!!! It's just like the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond when he wouldn't put the suitcase away and the showdown began between Ray and Debra. I can't remember who but one of them put stinky cheese in the suitcase in order to try and break the other one.
Maybe you should put painter's tape around it like a crime scene and then put those little number tags around it and refuse to move it until CSI comes in.
You go go!

Queen Mel said...

I'm suprised Oliver hasn't eaten them, I would leave them there to rot as well.

gypsybug said...

hold strong for all of us! I am bad for this one!! I tend to most often just clean it up myself, but I have tried changing! NOW, I don't more than I have to. I don't unpack clothes and I don't pick up dirty laundry. If it's not in the hamper how do I know if it is f'en dirty!! OH YOU HIT a spot with me today, sarah!! great post....stay strong! do it for all us mothers!!

Hollee said...

I want to know how you keep the dog out of the kitchen??!!

Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

I was thinking of stopping the emptying of the garabge can, not doing the dishes or picking clothes off the floor just to make a point. Have not done it yet so please, come hell or high water, leave those Cheerios on the floor...

Anonymous said...

Or you could sprinkle Cheerios on his side of the bed. LOL