Friday, January 04, 2008

A Space

Welcome to probably the most shallow post I've written to date. Yup, let this serve as your warning that you may want to hit that little red "X" in the corner now.

I was just in the washroom and as I was washing my hands I was checking myself out in the mirror. all do it to. I noticed that for the first time in my life there is a space between my thighs when I stand naturally. Only 2 years ago, my jeans always wore out in the inner thigh area first because my legs rubbed.

And there you have it...a very shallow blog. I don't think I can beat this one in the shallow department this year. But never say never. Clearly I can be very shallow.

This blog is brought to you by the word's word of the day.


Baby-Sweet-Pea said...

That is not shallow! That is sweet victory!!! I used to have that space too, in junior high. Thanks for the giggle and the "lite" post, I needed it. : )

gypsybug said...

OMG I told Neil, my SFL guy, that I dream about that space between my thighs!!! whoooo!! congrats. That is huge, maybe someday I will have a space between my rubbing thighs as well! One time I even used packing tape(with an old friend's help) to make them look more slender under my jeans. It only last about 10 mins since I was losing bloodflow in my legs. It was only as a joke we did this....I didn't actually do it for everyday walking around! It is what happens when two idiots have packing tape and 30 mins to kill.

Sunny said...

This made me, a very sick little girl, laugh so hard snot came out my nose. I also dream for that space between my thighs. Sadly the larger that space become the more Paul wants to fill it in....I guess we have to make tough choices in life, for now I choose to wear out my jeans......for now.

Madiegirl said...

See...we do all still strive to be like Princess :-) Congrats on the space