Thursday, April 10, 2008

Damn McDonalds!

Every Tuesday I stop and get JJ fast food for supper because we have to be out of the house before 6pm for dance class. I let her choose where she wants to go. Because of the super awesome princess toys at McDonald's right now, that is where we have gone the past few times.

McDonald's on Main St is painfully slow and is my last choice for Tuesday evenings. This week, I could see the girl with my bags in her hand and she was standing there having a conversation with someone. My blood pressure began to rise and my blood quickly started to boil. Finally I popped and said "Shit, give me my food already!" The window was closed so she didn't hear.

However the adorable 4.5 year old in the backseat heard me very clearly and said "Momma, what does she mean?"
I said "I don't know but it's not nice so let's never say it."
JJ said "Okay, Mom."

We carry on our drive home with smiles and no further profanity. As we drove into the driveway she said to me "Momma, I think I know what shit means."
I said "Yeah? Well, let's not say it. It's not a nice word"
JJ said "I know Momma. That's why I'll say ship instead."

Greeeaaat. Somehow I'm thinking when she stubs her toe and daycare and says "Oh, SHIP!" it won't go over much better.


Queen Mel said...

yeah well my convo with B wasn't any better today....if she goes to school and says "well your just a bunch of snots!!!" then I'm so up the river.

LLG said...

Oh JJ how she is so funny!!! They are like sponges...they pick up everything! And it will only get better!!

LadyLipgloss said...

Lauren likes to pretend now and she says to me "I'm just going to the hallway for a cigarette."

Guess it's time for Jon to quit...

Oh and her "Oh Jesus!" when I have to brake hard in the car.

awareness said...

LOVe it!

When Max was the same age as your lovely little one, he said to me one day.....

"Hey Mom, I know what the "F" word is....."

Me, thinking there is NO way he knows this......"Oh really, what is the "F" word, Max?"

Innocent Max says..."Fuck"

I lost it.

OK........there's another story but I will tell you in person because that terrible word that rhymes with "bunt" is involved and I can't for the life of me type it here. :0)

The Original Princess said...

Oh D, you have no idea how much I needed that laugh right now. As always, you have impeccable timing.