Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mud Slinging

My daughter may not look like me. But I am reminded on a very regular basis that is a perfect little Mini-Me when it comes to personality.

We had a conversation on the way to work this morning that went like this:
Me: JJ if you go outside to play this morning, I want you to wear both parts of your jacket please. It's on your hook at daycare.
JJ: No, its on the floor under my feet.
Me: Let's make sure to take it inside with us.
JJ: (very dramatically) Oh, Mommmy! My beautiful (emphasis here) blue jacket!!
Me: What's wrong?
JJ: Hannah (fake name) threw mud on my beautiful (emphasis again) blue jacket.
Me: That wasn't very nice. What happened in the end?
JJ: I let her know how it would feel if I threw mud at her.
Me: Uh huh, how did you do that?
JJ: I threw sand at her.
Me: I would hope that you are both done throwing things at each other now.
JJ: (with attitude. in fact picture a hair flip and finger point with this one) I would too.

I can justify just about anything. Anyone who has been shopping with me can vouch for this skill of mine. I'm not at all surprise that my daughter so easily justified throwing sand. Justification, valid or not, is a skill she comes by naturally.


gypsybug said...

I am sure her justification skills will flow over to her spending habits as she gets older!

Queen Mel said...

oh boy

NickyT said...

Very interesting, how could rationalize the outcome and the future of her actions at such a young age.

I pity her pals as they get older and go shopping together *wink, wink* Cause, if she is a Mini Me she will not only justify her own spending but everybody else's for that matter.