Every now and then I take the time to read old blogs. I like to go back a year from the current date to see what was going on in my life at that time. It is certainly an interesting read.
At the beginning of 2008, I wrote this sentence at the end of a post "I'm jumping on to see where it takes me and I think it's going to be good." I was talking about life and how I was going to approach the year to come. At that time I didn't realize that my entire world was about to implode on me.
All around the same time some aspects of my social life had a melt down, my marriage ended, and I was so bogged down at work that I felt like I was drowning most days. All of a sudden I had to worry about finances, my mental state, my daughter,s mental state, where we were going to live, and about 10 million other things. I still had to drag myself out of bed when most days I just wanted to hide under the covers to get away from the stress. I had no idea that damn train I was about to hop onto had sooooo much freaking baggage.
Luckily, I've always believed that life continually evolves and changes. I also believe that life will be what I make of it. I've really had to repeat this to myself alot over the last 9 months. But as I approach the one year mark, I'm in a better place. Using the famous Big Brother line "It is what it is." I can't change the past nor can I change other people...I can only make the best of the present situation.
I've wanted to jump off this ride many, many times over the last few months. Some days I still want to get off. But I keep trudging along. I feel more at ease now and I think those closest to me can see that. I bet if I go back and read this is another 6 months, I'll be surprised at, one again, how things have changed in such a short span of time.
It is crazy how things can change so fast but as you say it is what it is. You can't change the past and only make the future the brighest. I found your blog inspiring today. thanks
It is interesting to look back and see where we were a year ago. Oh, how things change. If we believe that everything is for a reason and that we can only make ourselves happy in the present then it makes it all a little more bearable. At least that's what I'm going with. : )
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