Friday, July 18, 2008

Bossy Pig

Sigh, I'm afraid my child is a bit stunted in some areas of her learning. Last night, she called called me a bossy pig. You maybe remember THIS but I swear it is out of character for her. She clearly does not understand. She kept apologizing for calling me bossy and saying "But I didn't call you the other kind of pig, you know snotty. I promise I'll never call you that kind of pig again." I tried to explain that to her that calling someone any kind of pig is not nice but she does not get it and I'm not sure I want to push it. I mean she is right in the sense that I am bossy. But I am not a pig....even if I do snort when I laugh really hard.


Queen Mel said...

This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy was way to snotty and bossy to go anywhere....


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! You should totally scrapbook that with Mel's comment in the journalling. LOL!