Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dry Spell Over!

Well now, that was a bit of a dry-spell but it's over. I've have LOTS to say, all of a sudden.

First, you must go out and try some Cheeseburger Doritos. Don't wait, go now. Just minimize the screen and you can finish reading this post later. GO!

Just so you know, me eating Cheeseburger Doritos driving down the highway is not pretty. I was a little piggie and I'm pretty sure I'm going to find leftovers in my bra later.

All sense of professionalism, decorum and, certainly, grace and sophistication go straight out the window when you step in mud up to your ankle while walking and talking with a client. It seeped through my toes and up over my entire foot and sandal. Trying to rub the mud off your foot in the grass and then bending down and rubbing your shoe on the grass while looking up and talking does not help regain any dignity. At all.

The level of nosiness and resulting outrage exhibited by people in this small city over the most ridiculous issues never ceases to amaze me. It always bring me back to the, always appropriate, quote from our very own Ames, "There are dumb asses amongst us!" Never have truer words been spoken!!

If you are a small business owner catering to a VERY specific niche/clientele, perhaps youshoud refrain from pissing off your customers by acting like a holier-than-thou moron. Yeah, I mean you. And FYI, you are NOT as cute as you think you are. Now, please excuse me while I go tell 10 friends. I expect they will tell 10 of their friends and so on and so forth.


LadyLipgloss said...

You're welcome for telling you about the Cheeseburger Doritos ;P

Queen Mel said...

ok I was at convenience store last night and did find Cheeseburger Doritos! I want them now!