Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Some days I'm just tired of fighting "the good fight". Bad fight, good fight, whatever, I'm tired just tired of it. I'm tired of everything being such a struggle. When I'm tired of the struggle, my instinct is always to cocoon. I hunker down in bed with a blanket around me and all the other blankets on me with just my face sticking out. This is obviously rather uncomfortable in the summer. Today I really, really need to cocoon. However, I will haul myself up to the mall for laser hair removal instead. After that, I'm cocooning and I'll be out when I'm good and ready.


Queen Mel said...

I find myself doing the same thing lately, door shut, no tv, nothing just by myself huddled up in my blankets......

lesly said...

yup! Been there! I tell the kids it's my "time out". I just wish mine could be equal to my age too.

NickyT said...

Oh cocooning.
Been there.
Still there.
Not sure when I'll come out as a Butterfly.
For now I'm enjoying crocheting myself a cocoon / quilt.

Anonymous said...

Good ol' laser hair removal, maybe that will take the urge to cocoon away? Maybe it will make you feel iike it's Mojito time!!! Far-fetched, I know! Hope you come out soon :)