Monday, October 06, 2008

Weird Pet Peeve

I have a bit of an odd pet peeve. Actually, I'm not sure it's really a pet peeve because it doesn't irritate just grosses me out.

I don't like it when I hear people using nail clippers at work. It just grosses me out for some reason and I can't even tell you why. It doesn't bother me if someone pulls them out to do a quick little fix. But right now I can hear the repetitious click of someone cutting all of their nails at their desk. That grosses me out. I think you should save your manicure for home. I don't think you should pick your nose at a red light in the car either. But that is probably just me being picky and critical again.


LLG said...

Clipping nails at any time grosses me out. I understand. In the bathroom is the only place for such an activity

awareness said...

ok.......i'm TOTALLY with you. I absolutely can't stand the sound of nail clippers. My family is very well aware of this as I make them cut their nails with the door closed and some white noise blaring so I don't have to hear it.

weird eh?

Queen Mel said...

I don't like that noise either, and yucky nails in general make me GARF!

gypsybug said...

I am reading the blogs again!!!! I forgot all about blogworld!

I have two coworkers who do this!! it is strange