Thursday, October 02, 2008

Coffee Review

I wrote this yesterday afternoon for a few ladies I work with. It is about me trying the new coffee machine in the lunchroom.

This afternoon I ventured down to the second floor with great anticipation. I was about to try out the new coffee machine. Imagine my delight upon learning that for $1.25 I could have coffee creations of my choice. Mochachino, latte, cappuccino…all the tips of my fingers any given time the moods strikes me. Woo Hoo – I can hardly contain my excitement. Down the stairs I go, smile on my face, and anticipation bubbling under the surface.

I enter the lunch room with caution looking around for the cute little machine. Instead I find an impressive technological beast sitting beside the vending machine. I feel a bit of trepidation and intimidation just looking at the chrome beast. “Suck it up!” I think to myself and I approach the promise land. Decisions, Decision! What should I get? I finally decide to play it safe and I get a regular coffee with milk. I didn’t see the buttons allowing me to add sugar but all is good because I have sugar in my desk. I keep to the task. I put my money in and hit the button. I listen to the whirling of the machine as it freshly grinds my beans. Next, I hear the clunk of my cup dropping. I look and think to myself “Hmm…that’s a small cup for $1.00” but I still maintain my optimism. After all, I have so many choices from one machine. After about 30 seconds of brewing and mixing, the machine signals me to remove my cup. I reach in and gently take the cup. Gently quickly flies out the window and turns to full on tugging as I wrestle with the machine to extract my coffee goodness. I throw caution to the wind not caring if I slosh hot coffee on myself. I want my cup ‘o’ joe! Finally the beast releases the wares and I retreat to my office with my prize in hand.

I sit at my desk and smell the coffee. I immediately think I will need lots of sugar in this one. I put in the sugar and gently take a sip, careful not to burn my tongue (because I hate that). It turns out I worried for nothing. Tepid bath water is more dangerous than the swill in my cup. Not even a good dose of Bailey’s is going to save the train wreck of a coffee. My anticipation and excitement has been quelled. My curiosity and wonder has been satisfied. The bottom line on this coffee is this….for the love of all things good, either bring your own or bring Tims!!!!


Jon Carson said...

I feel your pain, we have this fancy Vanhussen(sp?) setup at work, where you select your own choice from a little plastic storage cup that looks like an over-sized creamer. If you shake them you can hear the pre-ground coffee inside. You pop your selection in the machine, deposit your dollar, and put your cup under the spout. Then you watch the coffee begin to come out, the first 2-3 seconds, its just straight boiling water, then it turns a little brown for about 3 seconds, then back to boiling water.

Its a very sorry excuse for a coffee...I have just learned like you said, bring it from home, or get Tim Horton's on the way.


Sunny said...

You crack me up!!!! This was so freaking funny!!!!